- (win by) knocking down opponent by pushing him with hand(s) rested on his body
(win by) knocking down opponent by pushing him with hand(s) rested on his body 意味
- "(whole body protective) suit" 意味
- "(wicker) basket used for carrying fish" 意味
- "(wielding a) vicious or poison pen" 意味
- "(wild) duckling" 意味
- "(will to) fight" 意味
- "(wind or human-powered) warship" 意味
- "(with a negative) no-one" 意味
- "(with neg. verb) nothing special" 意味
- "(with negative predicate) not even once, never" 意味
- "(wild) duckling" 意味
- "(will to) fight" 意味
- "(wind or human-powered) warship" 意味
- "(with a negative) no-one" 意味